Get A Car Quote For Broker Service In Germany

How To Check Distance For Transportation Cost

Find the distance between our area code (51377) Leverkusen in Germany and the vehicle’s location.

Open and check the kilometer on Google Maps here. Our location is already on the Maps. You only need to enter the car’s location in the field that says, “Choose starting point…” then, you will see the list of distances based on routes to our office. Now you can use the transportation cost Slide on the calculator to determine what you will pay for the distance.

If you are having a challenge in doing this, please do not hesitate to contact us below, and we will assist you.

How To Check Distance For Transportation Cost On Broker Service Car Quote

Securing Car Deals With Broker Service Price Calculator

Securing car deals gets really easier using the broker service price calculator. It is designed to provide you with the best possible cost options suitable for your budget. Imagine paying for only the part of the service you instructed us to carry out. Our Car-buying calculator is very flexible as well as beneficial to cater to our clients at different levels of their needs. Even better, you can save money from the actual vehicle’s cost when we apply negotiation service.

Great Benefits For Car Buyers

1. Negotiating car price

Negotiating profitably requires some skill level to accomplish. Buyers sometimes lack the requisite bargaining antics to get the seller to beat down his price, so we offer to negotiate on behalf of buyers: select any of our offers in the price calculator, if you need help bargaining with the seller.

We can professionally negotiate on your behalf helping you secure the best that there is to any deal. Based on our various proposals on price negotiation, the buyer gets to keep the lion’s share of the discounted amount.

2. Below €30 (Euros) service cost:

The calculator is programmed in a way that you can choose only the service(s) you find affordable. You don’t have to pick every option when you don’t need them. Let us say you only have a few concerns to clarify, simply select I need car-buying advice which goes for 25 Euros.

3. Risk-free service:

On your request, we can expertly handle car-buying from searching to clearing at the port. This would help avert the risk of losing money to fraudulent agents or getting less than your bargain which is very common in the Nigerian market. Our services are very transparent; you can literally follow up on the entire process if you need to be sure.

Functionalities and options open to customers on the calculator

There are available functions you may not see immediately after you open the price calculator. They are quite detailing and so are not on display. To access them, simply click boxes with titles relevant to you, and more details will unfold themselves based on the option you select.

If you have challenges accessing these options on your mobile phone, consider updating your browser or downloading a new one (like Mozilla Firefox). You can also use a system if you have one.

Choosing The Right Car Broker Service Type

The box labeled Choose an option contains the various grades of car-buying services we offer and their cost. Click the arrow (pointing downwards) in the box to unfold all the options and select by clicking on your preferred service.

  1. I need car-buying advice (30 Euros)
    Here we answer your questions bordering on vehicle-buying and importation from Germany. Any customer selecting this option can ask up to five questions of concern. Our response can help you spend less and save more. If you only need car-buying advice, click to select I need a car-buying advice service. This would cost you 30 Euros. Once you choose this option, a box will pop up below where you can ask questions.
  2. Auto check on the phone (60 Euros)
    Click to select Auto check on the phone if you want us to contact the dealer and verify the car’s condition. This auto-check with the seller will be solely on the phone. There will be no physical visit to the vehicle’s location. We render this service at the rate of 60 Euros. We can negotiate a reasonable price with the seller if you select Include price negotiation.
  3. Auto check on site (150 Euros) – Transportation within Germany (1.20 Euro per km)
    Choose Auto to check on-site if you need the car inspection done physically. Instead of relying on the seller’s assurance, we can visit the vehicle on-site for inspection and also get you videos and pictures of the car. However, a visit to the vehicle’s physical location attracts a cost of 1.20 euros per km. We charge 150 Euros for this service apart from the cost of transportation within Germany. You can also include price negotiation.
  4. All Inclusive service for a car (250 Euros).
    If you need all services above plus help with searching, buying, and shipping your car from Germany click to select this option. This all-inclusive package sells for 250 Euros. The cost of transportation within Germany still applies (1.20 Euro per km).

Tell Us More About The Vehicle

In the box in front of the Tell us more about the vehicle, you are required to provide the necessary details about the car. The vehicles’ brand, model, and spec amongst others should make the list. This would make the search process easier and less time-consuming. A better option would be to share the link to the car with us.

Share The Vehicle’s Link

Outlining details of the car is totally optional where the vehicle’s link is available. We can always know more about the vehicle on the website where you found it. Simply copy and paste the link from the site where the car is displayed to the designated space on the price calculator.

Upload Vehicle Sample Picture

Sample pictures of the vehicle you intend to buy should be uploaded here. Again this may not be necessary if you have shared the vehicle link with us.

Include Price Negotiation

If you want us to cut you a good deal with the seller, indicate by ticking the small box in front of Include price negotiation.

Get Me The Car Deal

Ticking the Include Price Negotiation box will unveil the “Get me the deal” function. Here you will have to choose from the various discount-sharing options we are offering. From available options, the amount discounted through our negotiation with the seller can be shared at different rates depending on your choice. Regardless of your preferred option, you will always get the lion’s share as the buyer.

  1. Option (60/40) share
    Select this option to get a 60% lion’s share of the negotiated discount while we keep 40%. Subscribing to this option would cost you a sum of 20 Euros which is to be paid before negotiation starts.
  2. Option (70/30) share
    Get a 70% share of the discounted amount by clicking to select option (70/30) share. This option cost 30 Euros which you have to pay before we begin negotiation.
  3. Option (80/20) share
    Just like in other options, you are entitled to a lion’s share of 80% of the discount and you are to pay 50 Euros before negotiation.

The amount to be paid before the negotiation is our service charge.

Email Quote And Detailed List

Click on the email quote to access an email quote form where you can fill in your name, email, and phone number. Once you are done filling in your details, click the submit button. This would help us stay in touch and give you feedback where necessary.

The detailed list is a comprehensive sum total of your Choices on the car-buying price calculator. You can either print or save this document for your reference.

Total And VAT

The amount boldly written on the black bar is the total cost of all your selections plus value-added tax (VAT). Subtract the VAT (written after the total) from the main total to get your net total before tax.

Finally On The Car Broker Service Quote

We would be reviewing this car-buying price calculator regularly to ensure that it serves you better. Feel free to let us what you think below.

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