If you are a car dealer or a used spare parts wholesaler who imports vehicles from abroad, you know how challenging it can be to organize and calculate your car orders on paper. Paper records are not only prone to errors and damage, but they also take up a lot of space and time. Moreover, they could be more convenient for future reference or analysis.

We have created a template to help you better organize your vehicle orders using a spreadsheet. This template is already pre-filled with over 2100 car makes and model entries, so you can easily find the vehicle(s) you are looking for. You can also customize the template to suit your specific needs and preferences.

By using this template, you will be able to:

  • Digitalize your car orders and keep them in one place.
  • Duplicate the template as often as possible for different orders or segments.
  • Work offline or online with the template, depending on your availability and internet connection.
  • Calculate the running total and total of your orders automatically.
  • Save time and money on paper and printing costs

In this article, we will show you how to download and use this template to organize your motorcar orders utilizing a spreadsheet. We will also explain the features and columns of the template and give you some examples of how to use it. By the end of this article, you will be able to organize your vehicle orders more efficiently and effectively.

How to download the template for free

To download the template for free, you must create an account on our website. This will give you access to our resources and tools on used car importation. You can join our car dealers and wholesalers community and share your experiences and tips.

To create an account, follow these steps:

  • Go to our website and click the “Sign up” button in the top right corner.
  • Fill in your name, email, password, and country
  • Agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy
  • Click on the “Create account” button
  • Check your email for a confirmation link and click on it to activate your account

Once you have created and activated your account, you can download the template by following these steps:

  • Log in to your account and go to the “Resources” section
  • Find the “Car Orders Spreadsheet Template” and click the “Download” button.
  • Please save the file on your computer or upload it to your Google Drive
  • Open the file with Excel or Google Spreadsheet

You have downloaded the template for free and are ready to use it to organize your vehicle orders utilizing a spreadsheet.

How to use the template to organize your car orders using a spreadsheet

Now that you have downloaded and opened the template, you can use a spreadsheet to organize your car orders. The template is straightforward to use and has a user-friendly interface. You can also customize the template to fit your specific needs and preferences.

The template has seven columns that you need to fill in:

  • Car Make: Brand name of the car, such as Toyota, BMW, or Ford. You can choose from over 2100 cars available in the template.
  • Car Model: Specific name of the car, such as Corolla, X5, or Mustang. You can choose from over 2100 car models available in the template.
  • Transmission: The type of transmission system of the car, such as manual, automatic, or semi-automatic. You can enter your preferred transmission type or leave it blank if unsure.
  • Engine Size: The car’s engine size is measured in liters or cubic centimeters. You can enter your preferred engine size or leave it blank if unsure.
  • Fuel Type: The type of fuel that the car uses, such as petrol, diesel, or hybrid. You can enter your preferred fuel type or leave it blank if you need clarification.
  • Body Type: The shape and style of the car, such as sedan, hatchback, or SUV. You can enter your preferred body type or leave it blank if unsure.
  • Specifications: This is where you can enter any additional details or features that you want for the car, such as color, leather seats, sunroof, or navigation system. You can enter as many specifications as you wish or leave it blank if unsure.
  • Quantity: The number of units you want to order for each car make and model. You can enter any positive integer or leave it blank if unsure.
  • Price per Unit: The price you are willing to pay for each unit of the car make and model. You can enter any positive number or leave it blank if unsure.
  • Running Total: This is the total amount you will pay for each car make and model, calculated by multiplying the quantity and the price per unit. The template automatically fills in this column; you must not enter anything here.
  • Grand Total: This is the total amount you will pay for all the car makes and models you have entered in the template, calculated by adding up all the running totals. The template automatically fills this cell; you must not enter anything here.

Using The Template

To use the template, you must enter the information you have or want for each car make and model in the corresponding columns. You can also delete or edit any information you have entered by clicking on the cell and pressing the delete or backspace key. You can copy and paste any information from another source by selecting the cell and pressing the ctrl+c and ctrl+v keys.

The template will automatically calculate your orders’ running total and grand total and display them in the last two columns. You can also see the total at the bottom of the template. You can use these totals to plan your budget and negotiate with your suppliers.

How to customize the template for different segments

One of the advantages of using this template to organize your car orders using a spreadsheet is that you can customize it for different segments. For example, separate your orders by country, supplier, category, or any other criteria you find relevant.

To customize the template for different segments:

  • Filter: This feature allows you to filter the data in the template by any column or value. For example, you can filter the car makes and models by transmission, engine size, fuel type, or body type. You can filter the quantity, price per unit, or running total by range or condition. To use the filter feature, follow these steps:
  • Sort: This feature allows you to sort the data in the template by any column or order. For example, you can sort the car makes and models by alphabetical order, by popularity, or by any other criteria that you find relevant. You can also sort the quantity, price per unit, or running total by ascending or descending order. To use the sort feature, follow these steps:
  • Sheet: This feature allows you to create multiple sheets within the same template. For example, you can create a separate sheet for each country, supplier, category, or other segment you want. You can also copy and paste the data from one sheet to another or link the data between sheets. 

More to that

  • Select the column or range that you want to filter.
  • Click the “Data” tab and then the “Filter” button.
  • A drop-down arrow will appear on each cell in the selected column or range.
  • Click on the drop-down arrow and choose the filter option that you want.
  • The template will display only the rows that match your filter criteria.
  • Select the column or range that you want to sort.
  • Click the “Data” tab and then the “Sort” button.
  • A dialog box will appear where you can choose the sort option you want.
  • The template will rearrange the rows according to your sort criteria.

To use the sheet feature, follow these steps:

  • Click on the “+” button at the bottom left corner of the template.
  • A new sheet will appear with the same columns and format as the original.
  • You can rename the sheet by double-clicking on the sheet name and typing a new name.
  • You can copy and paste the data from one sheet to another by selecting the cells and pressing the ctrl+c and ctrl+v keys.
  • You can link the data between sheets by typing the “=” sign and then clicking on the cell you want to connect.

Using these features, you can customize the template for different segments and organize your car orders using spreadsheets more efficiently and effectively.

How to use the template to calculate the running total 

One of the benefits of using this template to organize your car orders using a spreadsheet is that you can easily calculate the running total and total of your orders. The template will automatically do the calculations for you and display them in the last two columns. You can also see the total at the bottom of the template.

The running total is the total amount you will pay for each car make and model, calculated by multiplying the quantity and the price per unit. For example, if you want to order 3 AMC Alliance that cost €750,00 each, the running total will be €2,250,00, which means (3×750) = €2,250,00. The template will fill in the running total column for each row you entered, the quantity, and the price per unit.

The total is the total amount you will pay for all the car makes and models you have entered in the template calculated by adding up all the running totals. For example, if you have entered ten different vehicle makes and models with their respective quantities and prices per unit, the total will be the sum of all the running totals. The template will fill in the total number of cells at the bottom of the template.

You can use the running total and total to plan your budget and negotiate with your suppliers. You can also compare the running and total with the market prices and the shipping costs to see if you are getting a good deal. You can also adjust the quantity and the price per unit to see how they affect the running total and total.

Using this template to calculate your orders’ running total and total, you can organize your car orders using a spreadsheet more accurately and effectively.

How to find the car makes and models available in the template

One of the features of this template to organize your car orders using a spreadsheet is that it contains over 2100 car makes and model entries. This means you can easily find the vehicle(s) you are looking for, whether famous or rare, new or old, European or Asian.

To find the car makes and models available in the template, you can use the following methods:

Search: This method allows you to search for a specific car make or model by typing its name in the search box. For example, to find the Audi A4, type “Audi A4” in the search box and press the enter key. The template will highlight the row that matches your search query. You can also use the search box to find a partial match, such as “Audi” or “A4”.

To use the search feature, follow these steps:

  • Click the “Home” tab and then the “Find & Select” button.
  • Choose the “Find” option from the drop-down menu.
  • A dialog box will appear where you can type your search query.
  • Click on the “Find Next” button to find the first match or the “Find All” button to see all the matches.
  • The template will highlight the row(s) that match your search query.

Browse: This method allows you to browse the car makes and models available in the template by scrolling up and down the list. For example, if you want to find the BMW X5, you can scroll down the list until you see the BMW make and then scroll right until you see the X5 model. 

You can also use the scroll bar or the arrow keys to navigate the list. To use the browse feature, follow these steps:

  • Click on any cell in the car make or model column
  • Use the scroll bar or the arrow keys to move up and down the list
  • The template will display the vehicle make and model in the selected cell

Using these methods, you can find the car makes and models available in the template and organize your car orders using a spreadsheet more efficiently and effectively.


In this article, we have shown you how to organize your vehicle orders using a spreadsheet using our template. We have explained how to download and use the template, customize the template for different segments, calculate the running total and grand total of your orders, and find the car makes and models available in the template.

Using this template lets you organize your car orders more efficiently and effectively. You can also save time and money on paper and printing costs, plan your budget and negotiate with your suppliers, compare the prices and shipping costs, and adjust your orders according to your needs and preferences.

We hope that you have found this article helpful and informative. We invite you to try our template and share your feedback with us. You can also visit our website for more information and resources on used car importation. Thank you for reading, and happy ordering!

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